Resolution of the Radom tribunal on the Jewish poll tax

The Radom treasury tribunal forbids land elders to overcharge particular kahals (according to Jarosław tariff and voivodeship allocations); the inclusion in allocations of places where Jews do not live and of insolvent communities; and the joining and detaching of minor settlements. Deputies of the company who
have assignations are obliged to execute taxes directly in small towns and not from land elders. In cases of land owners helping Jews to avoid paying the poll tax, deputies should act against them in castle courts and sue them in the Radom tribunal. Kahals should act similarly against land elders if the poll tax is inflated. Land elders are obliged to give their allocations to the Crown treasury on September 15th under the threat of executing the amounts from land elders themselves.
Archive: Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kyiv
Fond: Archive of Potocki Family (Fond 49)
Reference Number: CGIA Kijów, Fond 49, op. 2, sp. 1658, s. 1r-2v
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 06.1741
Place of origin: Radom
Geographical names: Radom, Warsaw (Warszawa)
Published: Żydowski samorząd ziemski w Koronie (XVII -XVIII wiek). Źródła, wstęp i oprac. A. Kaźmierczyk, P. Zarubin, Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2019, s. 211-214.